For over 125 years, we’ve enabled businesses and communities around the world to thrive.

We provide safe and sustainable chemicals for products used by millions each day, from clean water and safe food to eco-friendly paper and more.

We’re here to build a better planet, and we are not taking any shortcuts.


Reliable supply of sodium chlorate, sodium
chlorite, chlor-alkali and more.


Browse generator services, plant audits, spare parts,
and other innovative solutions.

Our Approach to Sustainability

Simplified approaches to key compliance strategies.

Work With Purpose

ERCO is a diverse team of leaders and experts who share a passion for improving the world around us.



Reliable supply of sodium chlorate, sodium chlorite, chlor-alkali and more.


Browse generator services, plant audits, spare parts, and other innovative solutions.


Our Approach to Sustainability

Simplified approaches to key compliance strategies.

Work With Purpose

ERCO is a diverse team of leaders and experts who share a passion for improving the world around us.
