ERCO’s approach can be summed up in two words: We Care. We care about our team members, from the 40-year veteran to the newest recruit. We care about our customers and their need to succeed. We care about protecting the environment, including operating our facilities in the most responsible manner. We care about safety: of our employees, our customers, the people in the communities surrounding our facilities, and anyone else who may be touched by our operations.

We feel fortunate to be part of a team that’s warm, friendly, cooperative, supportive and nurturing. We’re very good at what we do, and we’re passionate about it! You simply can’t succeed in our industry if you don’t do it well and do it safely. Ethics matter. We conduct business fairly and honorably. We say what we do, and we do what we say. But we manage to have fun while we do it.

We consider what we do to be a “beautiful mixture”. We practice science and conduct research, develop products, solve problems for customers, ship large volumes of goods and equipment around the world, operate complex facilities, treat our people and our communities well, and we are financially successful doing it. We also believe in supporting the communities in which we operate, including participating in local charities and other initiatives.