You should choose ERCO for its chlorine dioxide expertise, diversified products and applications, and reliable supply.
Hydraulic fracturing providers need a reliable supply of consistently performing chemicals, delivered on time. ERCO Worldwide produces hydrochloric acid (HCl) at two of its chlor-alkali plants with “on purpose” HCl burners that operate at higher than industry-average rates. We can supply you the HCl you need, reliably delivered safely.
Oil and natural gas production companies want safe water treatment solutions that work in any type of environment. International Dioxcide, Inc. (IDI), offers them.
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is well-suited for use as an additive during oil and gas operations as well as for a variety of oil and gas water applications. It is highly effective and more sustainable than other oxidizing or non-oxidizing biocide options. ClO2 is an appropriate biocide that not only meets the legal requirements for sustainability, but also exceeds the business and market requirements for performance.
IDI offers world-class expertise in the design, fabrication, installation, and operation of ClO2 water treatment technology to provide enhanced levels of reliability, safety, and cost-efficiency to water treatment facilities. ERCO is the largest producer of sodium chlorite in North America, the precursor chemical for IDI’s small-scale ClO2 generators.
ERCO Worldwide also offers a broad range of inorganic chemicals well-suited for various applications in the oil and natural gas industry. Among them: caustic soda, HCl, sodium chlorite, and ClO2. Our team of technical experts will help you meet your needs.
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